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If you are new to Dance Davidson, please contact Terilynne Knox to discuss class level and options.

Studio Policies
Please read before arriving for your first class.
- Arrival - Students are asked to arrive at the front door of the building at least 5 minutes before their class begins. Latecomers will not be permitted to participate in class, but may sit and observe only. The main reason for this is TRUE SAFETY CONCERNS - as each class has a warm up that is built upon the exercise that if a student misses the first exercise, he or she will not be warmed up properly and could be injured. We ask that parents help us teach promptness. Children should be enrolled only in those classes for which they can be on time and ready to concentrate.
- Parking - Absolutely no parking in the Employees Only parking lot. Why? We have staff and student drivers who end class as late as 9:30 p.m. I want to make sure that they have their car parked close to the building. We will have orange cones blocking the entrance. DO NOT MOVE THEM. Please pass this on to anyone who will be bringing or picking up your dancer - nannies, grandparents, etc. You may park in the post office parking lot - the Davidson Postmaster has given Dance Davidson parents permission to park in the parking spaces that are marked for postal customers only if you are just dropping off or picking up a student. Do not park in those spaces if you plan on staying more than 10 minutes. You may also park along Jackson St., or Main St. Do not park in the employees only parking lot that faces Jackson St.
- Please allow them to avail themselves of the restroom before class.
- All shoes, leotards, tights and dance bags should be marked clearly with full names. Street clothing/Outer garments and street shoes should be put in dance bag once the student arrives in the building.
- No jewelry, except small rings and earrings, may be worn in class. Warm-up clothing is not permitted, including skirts or leg warmers. Extra clothing impedes movement and hinders placement correction.
- Best results are achieved by attending class on a regular basis. Students cannot advance if they miss too many classes, and they may be asked to move to a lower level or be unable to participate in a performance.
- The instructors decide class placement, and the decision is always made in the best interest of the student.
- Dance shoes may not be worn outside the studio.
- When entering or exiting the building, students are required to wear street clothes over their leotards and tights.
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